Quarantine Puzzles

I’ve decided to try some new things to keep my mind off of the world crisis.  Covid-19 may have taken away my ability to run a photography business but it isn’t stopping me from being productive.  Besides redesigning my website and planning out my social media schedule for the next couple of months, I’d like to do some things unrelated to photography.  It’s both a blessing and a curse that my job and passion are one in the same.  If you ask me what my hobbies are I don’t really have an answer other than photography.  Now is the time to branch out and discover some new passions! 

My list of new hobbies includes gardening, puzzles and learning a TikTok dance.  The last one may be a stretch but whatever. 

I attempted to find a large (and interesting) puzzle.  Apparently they are sold out at most stores and the ones I found on Amazon won’t arrive until late May.  My solution:  I’ll just make my own.  And since I’m making my own I’ll make them interesting.  And by interesting I mean boudoir themed. 

I have 2 options available.  The first option is to choose one of three images I have already selected from previous shoots I’ve done with Fractured Photography.  These puzzles can be purchased for $70. Check out my Instagram page to see the image choices. The second option is for my past clients.  They can review their old galleries and choose an image.  They just pay the normal fee for a single digital image ($75) and they will receive a free quarantine puzzle with it.  Click here to order.  The final cost of $81 includes the cost of tax and shipping. 

Valentine's Day Boudoir

I'm so excited to be collaborating with Tease Hair and Body Parlor located in downtown Lakewood.  I love the location of this salon!  It's right next to The Root Cafe and Lion & Blue.  

I have a Valentine's Day display with samples of my boudoir photography displayed in the salon.  Look at how amazing this place is!  I love the Lakewood charm and the vibe of Tease.  It's literally my dream space for shooting boudoir sessions!  The lighting, the furniture,  the hardwood floors, the gorgeous natural light, the tall ceilings.  I love it all!  

If you're planning to do a Valentine's Day boudoir session, there's not much time left to book!  Contact me today if you're considering gifting some products to your significant other this year.  

Stop by the salon for a service and to check out the display!  You can also find out more information about Tease on their Instagram page.  

Your love life should be your favorite fairy tale

You may have seen the super romantic couple photos on Instagram and other social media and thought to yourself “I wish my husband and I had photos like that” or maybe even “There’s no way my finace and I could ever look that comfortable on camera.”


a.)     You can!

b.)    Ummm yes you can!



I believe in these types of sessions.  I think they are important and very meaningful.  It’s so easy to get comfortable in a relationship…to start taking one another for granted.  Classic story: It’s been years.  Every time you wake up they’re there.  And when you come home from work, they’re there.  And when you go to bed at night…you’ve got it…. they’re there.  And there hasn’t been a time yet where that wasn’t the case.  But I am a firm believer in cherishing all the small moments of a relationship.  I believe those mean more than anything.  Appreciating that you get to wake up next to someone you love every day, and come home to them after work, and go to bed with them.  That means so much more than a fancy anniversary dinner or an expensive Christmas gift. 

After my marriage ended I vowed to stop taking the people I love for granted.  Tomorrow isn’t promised to anyone and I want those I care about to know what they mean to me. 

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I am currently in the most beautiful relationship I ever could have imagined.  And once I realized how special this man is, I promised myself that I would nurture that crazy-in-love feeling that I experienced at the beginning of our relationship.  I knew I never wanted to forget that feeling.  So we say I love you way too much and we write redundant love letters way too often.  We tell one another how much we are appreciated daily.  We constantly compliment each other.  And I take way too many pictures in hopes of making all my favorite moments stand still for me to remember forever.  This greatest love of my life deserves to be cherished and held on to for dear life. 


I'm going to be honest - couple sessions are my favorite.  I love the dynamics and uniqueness of every relationship.  And I really I love to see my clients' reactions to their gallery!   

Book your couple session now!  You can have on lots of clothes, a little bit of clothes, no clothes, it doesn't matter to me.  You don't have to be a super touchy-feely, outwardly romantic couple.  I promise I can find a way to show your connection through your photos.